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Mission Statement

Harborough Songbirds Ladies Choir (Songbirds) is a non-auditioning choir composed of women over the age of 18 who enjoy singing a wide variety of styles of music - ever striving to improve their skills and performance. Members are committed to weekly attendance at rehearsals and to perfecting their contribution towards the creation of pleasing and co-ordinated music which continues to develop, provide enjoyment for members and entertain audiences.

Membership Agreement

1. Members should try to attend rehearsals weekly in order to maximise the performance of the choir. (Obviously holidays and other commitments will arise with all members at times, so if this is the case then it would be helpful to contact the Chair so that she is aware of your absence.)

2. The Musical Director and the Committee will select the music which the choir will perform. We have a large music library to access and new pieces will be added as appropriate.

3. Members are responsible for keeping music folders up to date and having all pieces ready to start singing at 7.30 on rehearsal nights.

4. Members are respectfully asked to listen attentively and remain quiet when other sections are practising, and to use this time to look at their own parts.

The Constitution

1. Name
The name of the organisation is Songbirds Choir, referred to as ‘the choir’ in this Constitution.

2. Aim
To run a community choir accessible to the community and for the community.
To promote community cohesion and the wellbeing of participants through the enjoyment of singing.

3. Values
The choir is not aligned to any political party or religious denomination.
The Committee and the choir’s performances reflect the commitment of the choir to issues concerned with equality, humanity and respect.
The elected Committee and its Musical Director will conduct business in ways that reflect and are consistent with these values.

4. Objectives

  • To provide enjoyment for all choir members.

  • To provide performances for the entertainment of the local community.

  • To take part in local community events.

  • To carry out choir activities without discriminating against any individual on the grounds of race, religion, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability.

  • To respect each other.

5. Powers

To elect a committee to take responsibility for the following, on behalf of, and in consultation with, choir members:

  • To collect and manage funds to support the achievement of the aims and objectives of the choir.

  • To appoint a Musical Director.

  • To book and hire premises

  • To undertake any other enterprise that may further the work and enjoyment of the choir.

  • To support a local charity through the creation of fundraising opportunities

6. Membership and Subscriptions

  • Membership is open to any individual over the age of 18.

  • Musical experience is not necessary and there are no auditions.

  • The Secretary and Treasurer will keep a full record of all members and subscriptions paid.

  • Choir members’ personal information will be recorded and kept secure. It will not be shared without permission.

  • Prospective members can attend up to 3 sessions before committing to membership.

  • The Committee will decide the subscription fees each year and share these with choir members.

  • Fees to be made via BACs (bank transfer) in blocks throughout the year.

  • If members are to be absent for a long period or because of other events, a short break in payment can be negotiated.

  • Only members who have paid their membership will be allowed to vote at the AGM or any other general meeting.

  • Any member who has had their membership terminated by the Committee shall have a right of appeal at the next AGM or general meeting, whichever is sooner.

  • The Committee will produce information that outlines the Roles and Responsibilities of each Committee Member. This will be made available to choir members through the website.

7. Meetings

  • Any proposed changes to the Constitution will be emailed to Committee members at least 14 days prior to the meeting where the

  • issue is to be discussed. Any proposed changes will need to be voted for and agreed by 51% of the choir to be passed.

  • Any other matters will be put to the vote at any meeting and decided by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote unless there has been a proposal to have a secret ballot.

  • The Chair will have the casting vote wherever there is a tied vote.

  • The AGM will be held in the Autumn term. The Secretary will ensure all choir members have written notice of the meeting no less than 14 days before it is due.

  • The business of the AGM will have standing items which will include:

    • Election of Committee members

    • Financial report

    • Chair’s report

  • A written notice of any extraordinary General Meeting that is to be held, together with an agenda, will be emailed to all members no less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.

  • For General Meetings to be quorate, including the AGM, there should be one quarter of the membership present.

  • A General Meeting can be called by the Secretary at the request of the Committee or by at least five choir members.

  • Committee Meetings can be called by the Chair or at least 3 Committee members. The quorum for a committee meeting is 3

  • members, 2 of which need to be Officers.

8. Committee Meetings and Officers

  • Officers and Committee members will be elected at the AGM. Where Committee members have not been elected, voting can take place during allocated time at the weekly rehearsal. All Committee members will be nominated and seconded before moving to a vote.

  • Including 3 officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) there can be up to 8 committee members.

  • Any member of the choir can volunteer to serve as a committee member.

  • From time to time all members will be expected to help with the running of the choir.

  • If necessary, the Committee can co-opt any member to fill an Officer vacancy until the next AGM.

  • The Committee can establish working groups and sub-committees to deal with specific aspects of the running of the choir. Any working

  • group must consist of at least two members. Any proposals made by the working group shall be subject to approval by the Committee.

  • The Committee can invite any non-member with special expertise to attend meetings, but they may not have voting rights.

  • In the event of an Officer, Committee member or Choir member losing the confidence of the Committee or the choir membership, the problem must be discussed with the individual in question.

  • Any serious breach of the Constitution or any behaviour which conflicts with the values of the choir will be put in writing to those concerned. A second verbal request will be followed by another written request. If there is no change in behaviour or the problem persists, the Committee can take a vote of no confidence in that member and ask them to leave the Committee or Choir.

  • Where the behaviour or problems are such that there is no alternative but to act immediately, the Committee may convene an emergency meeting for the express purpose of determining whether a vote of no confidence should be taken, and the person asked to leave the Committee or the choir.

  • The meeting will be carefully recorded and available to all members of the choir except where any personal matters are discussed. The meeting will need 5 Committee members for it to be quorate and these five people need to agree by vote on the appropriate action to be taken.

9. Finance

  • The choir will have a bank account in its name which will be maintained by the elected officer. All monies will be paid into that account.

  • Any money paid out on behalf of the choir, more than £25.00, will be paid via BACs from the Choir bank account.

  • Sums of £25.00 or less can be issued in cash on the authority of the Treasurer, with the agreement of other committee members.

  • Transactions will be detailed on the bank statement for records purposes.

  • Any Committee member who carries out an activity agreed by the Committee will not be liable for any debts and will be reimbursed from the choir funds.

  • Any activity not agreed by the Committee may not be reimbursed.

  • The choir’s financial year will run from 1st September to 31st August.

  • Each AGM will receive a financial statement for the preceding year audited by a person chosen by the Committee, but not a member of the Committee.

  • Each year the choir will support a local charity and undertake fund raising activities


10. Changes to the Constitution
Changes to the constitution can be made at the AGM or a general meeting called specifically for the purpose.
Any member of the choir can propose and second a change to any part of the constitution by writing to the Secretary, at least 21 days before the meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed.

11. Winding Up
The choir can only be wound up by a vote at a general meeting.
If the proposal to wind up the choir is passed, after settling all proper debts and obligations, such as rent and fees, the disposal of any
remaining assets shall be decided by the meeting which moves the resolution.

This constitution was adopted on September 15th 2022 at Songbirds Choir AGM.

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